Benefits of HEMP

HEMP? why?

HEMP is better for the planet and for us. is one of the most environmentally friendly and economically efficient all-natural fibre, below is some of the benefits:

- STRONG & DURABLE: Hemp clothing offers three to four times the strength of cotton clothes.

- BIODEGRADABLE: Hemp clothing is 100% organically biodegradable, so it is not the end of the world if you throw it away.

- HIGHLY RENEWABLE: Hemp is a renewable resource that grows quickly. Hemp can be harvested up to three times each year and matures in as little as 120 days. In comparison to cotton, hemp may produce 200-250%more fiber on the same amount of land

- NO PESTICIDES: One of the most destructive aspects of the lifecycle of cotton and other fabric-based plants is the usage of toxic chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides. Hemp clothing, like bamboo, does not require any of these synthetic, hazardous chemical agents, which is great for the environment

- ODOR-RESISTANT: Hemp clothing, unlike cotton, does not retain body odour due to its natural moisture-wicking properties. Hemp clothing is an excellent choice if you want to smell good all day. Hemp cloth is resistant to mildew and mould because of its antibacterial characteristics, and it absorbs moisture

- ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: The hemp plant does not take up a lot of space to grow and has a high land efficiency—it takes half the land area to produce the same amount of hemp compared to cotton. Hemp is extremely gentle on the earth, returning 60% of the minerals it consumes as it grows (if dried in the field). Hemp has been farmed on the same soil for 20 years without soil depletion as a result of this. Cotton, on the other hand, must be replaced with a different plant every few years or the soil will lack the necessary nutrients

- SOFT ON SKIN: In terms of softness, hemp clothing provides a good level of comfort. It is just one of those fabrics that, regardless of the thread count, look and feel amazing.


Hemp is a more durable and stronger fabric than cotton. Hemp fabric, like excellent wine, ages gracefully. Hemp fabric lasts longer and is less likely to wear out than cotton. Hemp has three times the tensile and flexible strength of cotton, and it holds its shape and softens with each use and wash.

Hemp requires much less space than cotton. Hemp productivity levels are far higher, with 2,650 lbs of fiber per acre compared to 1,190 lbs of cotton fiber per acre of land. As you can see, hemp is a fast-growing, well-abundant crop that does not use up all of the available land.

Hemp uses much less water than cotton. Cotton requires 5,280 gallons of water to produce 2.2 lbs of cotton using today’s agricultural farming practices, which is equivalent to a single t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Hemp, on the other hand, uses 80 gallons of water, the majority of which comes from rainfall, to produce 2 lbs of fiber.


Hemp is classified under the green category of building design, primarily due to its positive effects on the environment. A few of its benefits include but are not limited to the suppression of weed growth, anti-erosion, reclamation properties, and the ability to remove poisonous substances and heavy metals from soil. The use of hemp is beginning to gain popularity alongside other natural materials. This is because cannabis processing is done mechanically with minimal harmful effects on the environment. A part of what makes hemp sustainable is its minimal water usage and non-reliance on pesticides for proper growth. It is recyclable, non-toxic, and biodegradable, making hemp a popular choice in green building construction. Hemp fibre is known as have high strength and durability, and has been known to be a good protector against vermin. The fibre has the capability to reinforce structures by embossing threads and cannabis shavers. Hemp has been involved more recently in the building industry, producing building construction materials including insulation, hemp concrete and varnishes. Hemp made materials have low embodied energy. The plant has the ability to absorb large amounts of CO2, providing air quality, thermal balance, creating a positive environmental impact. Hemp's properties allow mould resistance, and its porous materiality makes the building materials made of it breathable. In addition hemp possesses the ability to absorb and release moisture without deteriorating. Hemp can be non-flammable if mixed with lime and could be applied on numerous aspects of the building (wall, roofs, etc.) due to its lightweight properties.